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Something Good to Report

No matter what happens in politics, MicroAid continues to do our work helping those in need.

As you know, we rebuild permanent houses for families who have lost their homes in a disaster—after the world’s attention has moved on—in places where there are no social safety nets, no insurance, and no meaningful government assistance.  Without MicroAid these families would be out of luck.

Your support has enabled us to do this work around the world for the last 15 years! Thank you.

So it is with gratitude and some pride that I can report another completed project for a family in Nepal.

We recently finished this new home for the Nyaichai family. They haven’t been able to return to their dangerously-damaged home since the earthquake of 2015.

We took down what was left of the old house below (side view):

And built this:

In this very tight lot, it was hard to get a good picture of the façade.

Interior (during construction):

As always, the family knows that MicroAid is made up of many individual donors and family foundations, who support the effort. 

They are grateful to you... and so am I. Thank you.

Namaste from Nepal!


Jon Ross

Founder/Project Manager


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