Seasons Greetings...
...from MicroAid.
Your support has given the gift of a comfortable permanent home to families who have lost theirs in a disaster. In these Covid lockdown times, that’s more important than ever. You are the reason MicroAid can help these families. You have put a solid roof over their heads and helped them return to self-sufficiency. Thank you.

Disasters don’t stop for coronavirus and neither will MicroAid. We continue to build houses in Nepal for earthquake survivors and will start helping families in Mexico next year. One hundred percent of your donations have gone to projects—overhead is paid for by the board of directors and specific grants—so rest assured that your support has had a real and direct impact. All money is used for bricks, mortar, lumber, and local labor. This year, we kept paying our crew in Nepal even while they were at home in the lockdowns. It was just the right thing to do. Thank you for supporting this important humanitarian work. Wishing you and your family health, peace... and peace of mind.
Jon Ross