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Nothing Stops Nepal

In Nepal, we are making good progress on the house for our beneficiary family, who lost their home in the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. 

As you know, MicroAid stays focused on rebuilding permanent homes for disaster survivors after the world’s attention has moved on. Without MicroAid, these families would be out of luck.

On this project, we were able to get a high-angle photo of our construction. The neighbors were nice enough to let us onto their roof.

As you can see, we are going up two stories and pouring the concrete slabs. 

In Nepal, women do a lot of the heavy lifting, bringing partially mixed concrete up to the second floor—in traditional baskets—where it is mixed with more water and spread in the forms.

Our ground-level perspective is looking good, too. We have to follow the aesthetic rules for the façade in the landmark town where we are working. 

MicroAid is happy to comply with those rules and the local building codes, which actually exceed U.S. standards for earthquake construction.

Thank you for supporting this important work. I feel, as human beings, we are all in this together.

If you can make another donation, now, we need it more than ever. Thank you.

As they say in Nepal: Namaste!



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