New Project in Nepal April 2019
MicroAid is doing great—we’re building more homes for disaster-survivor families than ever, and we’re getting good press and attention. (Jon’s recent interview here:

Following our successful project in Paraguay, your donations have enabled us to start another home construction in Nepal. This time we have to take down the family’s dangerous damaged house (which they have been living in since the earthquake in 2015) because our engineer said it was about to collapse on top of them.

Since the earthquake in 2015 destroyed the top part of their house, they have been living in the remaining rooms, which, at any moment, could have killed them.

We have already started the project—there was a special Hindu ceremony (puja) to bless the construction site.

Because we are helping more families, MicroAid could use some additional support. Please make a donation if you can, in any amount. Thank you.
Your support will pay for local labor and materials to demolish the unstable shack and rebuild a comfortable safe home, which will last for generations to come.

Thank you for helping these family return to self-sufficiency—directly, efficiently, and completely.