Starting 2018 with a Build!
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to start the new year with another home repair in Bhaktapur, Nepal. During the 2015 earthquake, the Nakarmi family’s roof caved in and some walls collapsed, making the entire house unsafe.

As you know, during the 2015 earthquake, 650,000 homes were destroyed or severely damaged. And, even three years later, not very many have been rebuilt or repaired. And most of the aid has been centered in the mountain villages.

MicroAid is focusing on families in the ancient city of Bhaktapur, in the urban Kathmandu Valley. With our in-country project manager, Nabina Duwal, this will be the fourth family that MicroAid has helped by building safe, comfortable, and permanent housing—our strategy to help them return to self-sufficiency.

MicroAid is also prepping projects for flood survivors in Paraguay and hurricane survivors in the Caribbean.
Thanks to your support, we really are making a life-changing difference for families wiped out by disasters—directly, efficiently, and completely.

Wishing you all the best for 2018… and beyond.