Peru Planning
Dear friends:
2012 was a good year for MicroAid, we completed the projects in Samoa (canoes and fishing kits), helped hundreds of people, and garnered quite a bit of good press.

Currently, I am preparing a November site-assessment trip to Peru—they have had devastating floods and mudslides the past few years, and hundreds of people have lost their homes. Hopefully, I can identify a few families that we can help return to self-sufficiency—we’ll repair or rebuild their homes or replace their tools of livelihood. The project will take place in Spring 2013, after the rainy season. Of course, when we go to do the work, we will stay until it is complete.

On the fundraising front, since MicroAid is now three years old, and has a impressive track record of completed projects, we are starting to approach foundations for grant money. It is a tough economic environment, but I am confident that we will receive some grants. Until then, we still rely solely on your generosity and that of the board of directors. As you know, 100% of all donations go toward programs, while the board covers our overhead expenses.
Thank you for all your support.
Please follow this blog for updates from the field.
All the best,