Giving Thanks November 2016
Dear MicroAid supporters: I hope all is well with you. At this time of thanksgiving, I want you to know how much I appreciate your...

Nepal House Complete Summer 2016
When a natural disaster strikes somewhere in the world, like the recent earthquakes in Italy and in Myanmar, people often ask, “What can...

Nepal House Project – Spring/Summer 2016
Namaste. I hope all is well with you. So, I have truly learned the meaning of “Nepali time”: It means slow. After four months of...

Nepal House Project — Spring 2016
Namaste from Nepal. All the structural work on the house for our beneficiary family is complete! Setting wood forms for second slab...

Nepal House Project
Here in Nepal, the house for our beneficiary family is coming along slowly but surely. After series of delays, we are finally making...

Holidays in Nepal
The project is moving forward here… but slowly. We work seven days a week—when there are no Hindu, Newari, or Buddhist holidays, which...

Spring 2016 Update: Nepal House Project
First, I want to express sympathy for the earthquake victims in Japan and Ecuador. We will put Ecuador on our list for our help down the...

Assessing the View from the Top of the World in Nepal
Namaste: I’ve been in Nepal for three weeks and have done many site visits, and met with local NGOs, INGOs, and private individuals who...

MicroAid Assessment Trip to Nepal
I hope all is well. I am leaving on March 2nd for Nepal, where in April, 2015, the magnitude-7.8 Gorka earthquake killed 8,000 people and...

Our Huge Accomplishments
October, 2015 As we head into the fourth quarter of 2015, I want to look back at all that we have accomplished in the last six years...