Serendipity in Serendib
Ayubowan. In addition to our Nepal project, which is going very well, I have been in Sri Lanka starting a new project and reconnecting...

MicroAid Assessment Trip - Paraguay
Paraguay is interesting so far. I guess I’m used to third-world Asia, because this place seems pretty developed, prosperous, clean, and...

Assessing the View from the Top of the World in Nepal
Namaste: I’ve been in Nepal for three weeks and have done many site visits, and met with local NGOs, INGOs, and private individuals who...

MicroAid Assessment Trip to Nepal
I hope all is well. I am leaving on March 2nd for Nepal, where in April, 2015, the magnitude-7.8 Gorka earthquake killed 8,000 people and...

Beat But Not Beaten by Myanmar (Burma)
I am back from the assessment trip in Myanmar (Burma)—re. Cyclone Nargis, 2008—just in time to wish everyone a Happy New Year. . . As...

Finding Ways to Help in Myanmar (Burma)
Dear MicroAid supporters. I just wanted to let you know I’ve been preparing for the next MicroAid disaster recovery project in Myanmar...

Finding Ways to Help in Peru
I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving. Here in the Sacred Valley of Peru, I was treated to a wonderful feast with many expats and...

Samoa Update January 2011
Talofa Everyone I want to thank you for all the great emails and words of support while I was on the fact-finding mission in Samoa. . ....

Samoa Update December 2010
Well, I am two thirds of the way through the fact-finding mission to Samoa. As you know, they had a devastating tsunami in 2009...

A Village in the Jungle
After a few days in hot, smoggy, congested Colombo, the capital city on the edge of the Indian Ocean, I headed south to the first...