Poverty is not Picturesque
I spend a lot of time in impoverished areas—ones that have also experienced disasters—so the neighborhoods where I do projects are not...
Living La Vida Loca
Living La Vida Loca After two months in Peru, I think I’ve come to accept the fact that I am not just visiting to do a quick project, I...
Another Brick in the Wall
Things continue to move forward with our disaster recovery project in Peru. The Ormachea-Hermoza home now has walls and we are preparing...
Shout-out to Erin!
A complete oversight all this time: I have neglected to mention Erin O’Rourke, an expat American living and teaching English in Urubamba....
What's My Bag
MicroAid in the Macro World Here at MicroAid we are committed to being as environmentally conscious as possible; even on a personal level...
Peru House Project Update
The Ormachea-Hermoza home construction is going great. The foundation is finished and we are preparing to pour the columns. It was an...
Rebar Madness
Bending, cutting, setting… rebar—this foundation could support the Freedom Tower. There is so much reinforced concrete in the beams this...
Making it Happen in Urubamba
On Monday, May 27th, we broke ground on the Ormachea-Hermoza house in Urubamaba. The first MicroAid project in Peru is going smoothly,...
Sad Turn of Events in Peru
Here in Peru things are moving forward. We will be breaking ground on the project in Urubamba on Monday, but we hit a snag with our...
Inflation at our Worksite in Urubamba Peru
It’s a good thing the first week was so pleasant in Cusco, because I forgot how hard it is to build houses in foreign countries. Here at...