Starting projects in 2010, MicroAid is a non-profit long-term recovery organization (LTRO), that occupies a unique niche in the response, relief, and recovery cycle following a disaster. We rebuild permanent homes and replace tools of livelihood to help survivors return to self-sufficiency. We stay focused on areas after the world's attention has moved on.
Often, a year or more after a disastrous event, many individuals and families remain in need as the emergency response and relief operations of other organizations begin to wind down. MicroAid stays focused on the long-term needs of distressed people as they rebuild their lives.
We give no-strings-attached hands-on assistance to survivors during the critical and lengthy recovery period. MicroAid project managers help people rebuild houses, replace tools of livelihood, and assist in mitigation programs. To do so, we use local products and employ local labor, further supporting the economy of the affected area.
MicroAid’s small size and direct assistance allows us to:
• Help families who were overlooked during initial relief response.
• Use funds and local resources in the most efficient way possible.
• Provide flexibility, transparency, follow-up, and humanity in our projects.